Wednesday, March 31, 2010

One warm day

I was starting to get worried about the grass seed since it's been 10 days and I wasn't seeing new growth. Well, the grass just needed a warm day to stop being shy. It's been rainy and cold here the past few days so I can't blame the new grass for wanting to stay curled up in a seed... however, the temperature got into the mid 60s today and it greeted the warmth like college kids ready to don flip flops! I shouldn't be surprised since I bought the sun-mix seed after all.
I'm optimistic that the water service line replacement won't ruin my yard. Assuming the weather stays nice through Monday I should know by then since that's when the plumber will be coming to do the repair. Keep your fingers crossed that all goes smoothly and that they don't charge me more than their cost estimate (and while you're at it... that the water utility company adjusts my bill to a reasonable usage for the last quarter). And for those of you who are wondering what it might cost to replace a water service estimate is pushing 3 grand.
I'm not saying you should only buy a home that has the meter next to the house. I'm saying it can't hurt to be aware of what the cost might be if you buy an old home in disrepair and the meter's at the curb.In other news, the tulips are perking up and are likely to bloom in the next couple of days. It's looking like I'll have some red or pink ones, but it's tough to tell because there's only color on the very tip of the buds right now. I'm hoping for variety, but since I didn't have to plant these, I'll take whatever I get.

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