Wednesday, June 13, 2012

On the other side of sore

Today I'm feeling almost back to normal. After carrying and mixing 80 lb bags of concrete on Saturday I was extremely sore until this morning and my bruises are starting to fade. I had four amazing friends (whom I have given unexpected super hero nicknames in this post) come help me to haul, mix, pour, and level concrete! On Sunday, my friend, The Supreme-Concrete-Hauler, said he felt like someone beat him up in his sleep. I'm going to be ripped by the end of this project. Well, maybe not if I keep eating like I have been. I made banana baked french toast, a delicious egg bake, and pizza for our sustenance... and we certainly needed it. At first we were mixing the concrete in the holes because there were 3 of us doing mixing at a time, but in the afternoon when there were fewer people, we mixed the concrete in the wheelbarrow. It was much easier that way and my new wheelbarrow looks well-used now.

We were able to mix 2 bags at a time in the wheelbarrow. Tip: Make sure you rinse the concrete out of the wheelbarrow if you're taking any sort of break between mixing loads because concrete can dry pretty quickly. Luckily, The Master-Leveler would do the leveling while The Mixing-Hero and I stirred up a new batch of concrete so that concrete wouldn't dry in it.
A shout-out to the worker at Home Depot who loaded both loads of concrete. I gave positive customer feedback on their online survey... here's hoping I win the $5000 gift card. HD trip count for the day was 3 trips. Here's the truck being weighed down by a ton of concrete and a wheelbarrow.
The tools and hoes were in the cab of the truck. The Extreme-Errand-Runner got a kick out of my "Hoes, be quiet back there" when they clanged around on our trip back. Unfortunately, the wheelbarrow tire wasn't inflated enough for transporting the concrete the 1st load of concrete. Fortunately, my neighbor lent me his bike tire pump before unloading the 2nd load!

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