Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Baseboard finishing

Sometimes I just need to blog so I have a reminder about the little things I have done around my house. I may have mentioned before that this blog has been really helpful when I get overwhelmed with all that I have left to do. I go back through my posts and realize,  "wow! I have done a lot" and then I don't feel so bad.

This post is one of those situations where I don't have much to say about my experience caulking the baseboards and filling in nail holes with spackle. I spent a Saturday in June doing that for all of my baseboards downstairs and used a full tube of caulk. On Sunday, I used up another tube of caulk doing that for the baseboards in my bedroom and around most of the doors that I installed upstairs. I have gotten better about caulkOne tip that I may not have shared before is have rags and a little container of water nearby. Smoothing caulk is much easier if your finger is wet.

A few weekends ago, I installed the shoe molding in the little landing/hallway upstairs, so that area is pretty much done. Making progress!

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