Sunday, June 6, 2010

How would you have responded?

I took 2 trips to Home Depot this weekend. One left me feeling accomplished and happy; the second, offended. Disclaimer... neither of these stories involved Home Depot workers. The people mentioned were other customers.

The first trip involved buying a new drill. A man who does construction stuff as his profession was extremely helpful in helping me pick out the best drill for my needs. He didn't talk down to me and didn't try to force me to pick one drill over another, but explained pros and cons of the ones I was trying to decide between based on his experiences. Sidenote: I love my new drill.

The second trip involved buying a new drill bit because I broke one of mine. As I was deciding between drill bits a man said to me "Father's day present?" I replied "No" but really wanted to say "No, I need a new drill bit because I broke one building a wall thank you very much." Granted Father's day is coming up, I was offended he'd make the assumption that a female looking for drill bits wouldn't need it for herself.

What would you have said if you were in my shoes?


  1. I don't know hub, we can all thinkpeople can appeal to their higher brains for guidance instead of doing dimwitted things like resulting to streotypical assumptions. But isn't even that asking for too much; true he shouldn't have assumed as much but statistcally speaking how many self sufficient independent women happen to be in Home Depot around Fathers Day and just happen to be buying themselves a new drillbit...all of us operate on assumptions we shouldn't, it's our lazy way of saving our lazy brains unnecessary thinking, and sometimes we even label it 'common sense'. Men are stupid we put our foot in our mouths sometimes, let it ride is my opinion.

  2. Thanks for commenting. I did let it ride by just replying "No." I was just curious a/b what other people would have said :)

  3. I need to know what drill you got! :)

  4. Awesome! It's good to know that good old fashioned sexism is still alive and well in society today. ;OP

  5. hmmmm, I think I would have been offended that he was talking to me at all.... I don't respond well to comments from strangers ever. that being said... I think if I were in your position, having worked as hard as you have, I would have definitely opened my mouth and said something that I maybe would have regretted later (like what you were thinking, but not in a nice way.... errrr). haha. Good for you that you maintained composure. Let someone else enlighten him. You are awesome in your handy-woman skills regardless!
