A new friend and I were joking about our rock and roll lifestyles because of our recent purchases of curtain rod (her) and rug pad (me). Sarcastic enough for you?
Just after I told her that curtain rods have nothing on the rug pad I had coming tomorrow (ya know... because rug pads are WAY more rock and roll), UPS brought it a day earlier than expected!
Here's our message exchange and her response cracked me up:

The impetus for getting a new rug pad was because the one I have had for years (see picture on left) was affecting my hardwood floors. Over the weekend, I moved all of my furniture in order to shampoo-clean my hardwood floors. It took longer than I thought it would because the old rug pad was leaving a grid residue. I was afraid the old rug pad would cause some the long-term damage. Plus, it wasn't very soft. I ordered an all-felt rug pad to replace the old one. I didn't need one to keep the area rug in place because the rug is so large and secured under the couch. Once I was done working today, I did even more furniture moving to put the new rug pad under my living room area rug. Unfortunately, the furniture in my living room is slightly too large to move entirely out of the way because it would have been easiest to roll the rug up. Instead, I had to move the couch back and forth twice in order to get the rug pad in the right place and the area rug back on top of it. I'll just count it as a workout. Hopefully, now the hardwood floors will be protected and even though it's not the thickest of rug pads, it's better than the old, grippy, grid one.

Rockin' and Rollin' Lifestyle!