I FINALLY got my spare room ceiling fan installed correctly. It's been functional for a while, but was not connected to the light switch. I had connected black and blue fan wires to the electrical box black live wire, and the white fan wire to the electrical box white wire. Well... turns out, in my house, the electrical box red live wire is the one that is connected to the switch, so the black and blue wires need to be connected to that instead. The electrical smoke detector needed to be connected to the black live wire, but I had to remove that anyway because it was too close to the fan. It took me many adjustments to get this fan up over the span of months, but I was determined to fix it today and Amanda was great enough to hang out with me (and hand me screws) so that I could do it.
I have a rule that I can't do electrical stuff without someone else around (ya know, that whole possibly electrocuting yourself safety thing). I'm just glad I had the motivation to fix it when I had someone over today.
FYI - fan manuals don't tell how to hook up the wires, but this website was helpful.
Little Fan for Little Room |